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World Dog Show
Selected show
Name of the show:
World Dog Show
Date and place:
08.-10.08.2025, Helsinki
Show entry terms and conditions
I have read the
privacy statement
of the Show Entry System. I agree with the terms of entry and cancellation below. Names of the owners of the dogs entered can be published in the show catalogue and in connection with show results as well as be disclosed to member clubs of the Finnish Kennel Club and its cooperation partners to be published in similar contexts.
Terms of entry
This entry is binding. With this contract, I enter an event recognized by the Finnish Kennel Club. I am entitled to services according to the contract for a price specified in the contract. I guarantee that the dog I have entered is vaccinated and identification marked in accordance with valid provisions. I agree that the Finnish Kennel Club and breed clubs can publish the critique of my dog.
Dogs with docked tails and/or cropped ears
Dogs with docked tails or cropped ears may not participate in dog shows held in Finland.
I undertake to follow the Finnish Kennel Club's valid dog show and anti-doping regulations and guidelines.
Refund of entry fee in accordance with the Finnish Kennel Club’s Dog Show Regulations
The entry fee is reimbursed upon request of the exhibitor, if
the show is cancelled for reasons other than Force Majeure
the breeder of a dog entered to the show is invited to judge the breed in question or the owner of a dog entered to the show is invited to judge at the show after the close of the entry period
The Show Committee is entitled to deduct bank fees and administrative costs caused by refund of entry fees.
The Consumer Protection Act requires that the legal text below is on display at services that practise distance sales – even though the text does not apply to cancellation of dog show entries!
Right of withdrawal when buying goods or services online according to the Consumer Protection Act
If you wish to cancel your online purchase, you must inform the vendor in a clear manner at the latest within 14 days of the receipt of the goods or the conclusion of the agreement.
You do not have the right to cancel a purchase of dog show services, because:
the agreement is about a leisure event scheduled for or carried out within a specific date and time
you have ordered a service that has been provided during the withdrawal period at your request
if you cancel the agreement regarding a service that has been started, you must pay a reasonable compensation for the costs already incurred for the service provider
Do you wish to interrupt the entry?
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